P. 49
Dopo N°029, dea T Boyce, Marnria N° 381, Atrio. Parete sud. Loererio. marble bordered in red, a heosvy masonry ledge projects 0,23 from the surface of the wal?. It is supported by twin scrolls ana orna- mented with severa! bands of stucco relief. Upon the ledse rest the bases of four delicate half-columns (h. 0,82) applied to the wal", two on each side of an arched niche (h. 0,82, w. 0,75, d. 0,35, h. above the floor 1,60). Instead of the usual pediment of stucco relief above the niche, a heavy gable roof here projects from the wal” (at present restored). Within the niche a polychrome stucco cornice runs around the middle of the walls, dividing them into sections, the upper paint- ed red, the lower one blue. On the blue background of the lower sec- tion are human figures in stucco relief - now poorly preserved. The srched ceiling is fitted with a shell of stucco. Around the curve of the arch on the wall outside runs another stucco cornice. Fiorelli, Scavi, 61 3 Descr., 360 « ei. Boyce, Laroria N° 381. Imi, 1. Agriba Larario.